Thrombocytopenia in Experimental Trypanosomiasis

The effect of experimental trypanosomiasis on coagulation was studied because a patient in this hospital with Rhodesian trypanosomiasis developed thrombocytopenia with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Rats injected intraperitoneally with this strain of Trypanosoma rhodesiense consistently developed trypanosomiasis and severe thrombocytopenia without changes in hematocrit or concentration of fibrinogen or fibrin split products. At the time of 50% mortality (4-5 days) mean platelet counts per cubic millimeter of infected rats were 18,000±9,000 (±2 SEM) compared to 1,091,000±128,000 in uninfected controls. In vitro, concentrated trypanosomes and trypanosomefree supernates of disrupted organisms added to normal rat, rabbit, or human blood produced platelet aggregation within 30 min. This platelet aggregation was not blocked by inhibitors of ADP, kinins, or early or late components of complement. In vivo thrombocytopenia also occurred in infected rabbits congenitally deficient in C6 and in infected, splenectomized rats. Although the aggregating substance obtained from disrupted trypanosomes is heat-labile, it is active in the presence of complement inhibitors, suggesting that this trypanosomal product may be a protein enzyme or toxin. Since the phenomenon is independent of immune complexes, complement, ADP, and kinins, it appears to represent a new mechanism of microbial injury of platelets and the induction of thrombocytopenia.