Arbovirus Studies in Bush Bush Forest, Trinidad, W. I., September 1959–December 1964

Summary Virus isolates totaling 593 and representing 19 different virus types were recovered from sentinel animals, small mammals, and arthropods during studies carried out in Bush Bush Forest, Trinidad, over a 5-year period. The laboratory techniques used are described, and details are given regarding 49 isolates belonging to 12 virus types: Una, St. Louis encephalitis, Ilhéus, Bushbush, TRVL 57896 (Moriche), Wyeomyia, Cache Valley, Cocal, Oropouche, Aruac, Nariva, and TRVL 39316-1-5 type (Pacui). The remaining 544 isolates were identified as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus or members of serologic groups C and Guamá, and are discussed elsewhere.