Sublingual epidermoid cysts are uncommon. Shore1 stated that only 4 have been observed in 54,000 surgical specimens examined in the pathologic laboratory of St. Luke's Hospital, New York, during the past forty years. The case here reported is of interest not only because of the infrequency with which the condition is encountered but also because during a period of thirty years a correct diagnosis was not made. REPORT OF A CASE J. D., a white man aged 48, a farmer, was admitted to the United States Veterans Administration Hospital on Oct. 12, 1938, with a diagnosis of "hypertrophy of the left sublingual gland." The history revealed that in 1936 two cervical vertebrae were fractured as the result of an injury. At the age of 18 (thirty years ago) the patient became aware of a small sublingual mass on the left side. It did not give rise to symptoms but appeared