The spin-adapted pth-order reduced Hamiltonians (SRH) are obtained for an m-electron system, within the formalism of second quantization. This transformation is applied to the usual many-body Hamiltonian and involves an augmenting mapping, a spin projection, and a reducing mapping into the p-body reduced space. These three operations are combined into a single algorithm, allowing the work to be carried out within the two-body space. The SRH matrices thus obtained (1) have the same trace as that of the corresponding full configuration-interaction (CI) matrix, and (2) can be written as expansions involving the p eigenvalues and the corresponding pth-order reduced density matrices (RDM) of the m-body system in the chosen spin symmetry. Both of these properties guarantee that all and only the relevant information about our system is contained in the SRH matrices (and the SRH operators). The excitations of the eigenstates of the 1-SRH and the 2-SRH can be interpreted as the normal modes (or elementary excitations) of our electronic system in a given symmetry. A preliminary calculation on the Be atom yields encouraging results when compared with experiment. In the following paper (paper II of this series) the theory is applied to obtain the total energy and the reduced density matrices.