An interlaboratory study to determine the presence of human papillomavirus DNA in esophageal carcinoma from China

Esophageal‐carcinoma samples originating from the high‐incidence area of China were tested in 2 different laboratories, each using a different degenerate PCR approach. Results confirmed the notion that none of the PCR approaches available for HPV‐DNA detection today, is optimal for detecting all known HPV types at equal sensitivity and specificity. In combining results obtained in both laboratories, HPV DNA was demonstrated in 20/117 (17.1%) esophageal‐carcinoma samples analyzed. HPV DNA was detected in 3/70 (4.3%) diagnostic biopsies, 7/23 (30.4%) surgical specimen and 10/24 (41.6%) cytological scrapings originating from the entire surface of the esophagus. Mucosotropic HPV types were present in 7/117 (6%) samples, only 3 being of the high‐risk types (HPV 16, 18, 33). Other mucosal types found were HPV 6, 11, 13, 53 and 54. Cutaneous HPV types were present in 14/117 (12.0%) samples. HPVs 20 and 38 were present in 3 (2.6%) of the total samples and, in each case, together with another HPV type within one lesion. Two putative new HPV types, DL347 and DL 369, were identified. Int. J. Cancer 81:225–228, 1999.