Comparison of Standard and Large Forceps for Transbronchial Lung Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Lung Infiltrates

In order to determine whether larger biopsy forceps improve the diagnostic yield over smaller standard forceps, we performed 30 transbronchial biopsy procedures in 28 patients with lung infiltrates using three types of instruments. We found that compared to the standard forceps specimens the large forceps acquired larger specimens in 22 of 29 procedures and that the alligator forceps acquired larger specimens in 7 of 10 procedures. However, in only 2 of the 29 procedures did the larger biopsy specimen alter the pathologic diagnosis. Four of the patients subsequently underwent open lung biopsy which did not alter the pathologic diagnosis from the transbronchial biopsy procedure. We conclude that the large forceps do not significantly improve the diagnostic yield of transbronchial biopsy in our patients.