The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of axon transection on the development and differentiation of spinal motoneurons in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpole. The 3 ventral roots (VRs) that innervate the hindlimb were transected, and the animals were killed 6–7 weeks later (reinnervation took place within 3 weeks). At early stages of development, axotomy resulted in an increase in the number of spinal motoneurons on the operated side. By histological criteria, these motoneurons appeared more differentiated than those in normal tadpoles. Axotomy was effective in increasing motoneuron number only during the period of naturally occurring cell death. Similar effects were seen when the transected VRs were ligated to prevent regeneration. Hindlimb amputation without VR transection had no effect on motoneuron number or differentiation. Thus, target removal is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for hyperplasia of the lateral motor column. An extreme loss of spinal motoneurons was seen if the operated tadpole entered into metamorphic climax during the 6–7-week postoperative survival period. Motoneuron loss occurred although the injured motoneurons had reconnected to the hindlimb. In contrast, tadpoles allowed to survive up to 6 months showed no loss of motoneurons if they did not enter metamorphic climax. From these data, it appears axon transection in developing spinal motoneurons exerts its effects on motoneuron number and differentiation by altering the metabolic state of the motoneuron (axon reaction) rather than by depriving it of contact with its target.