New space warping method for the simulation of large‐scale macromolecular conformational changes

A space warping method, facilitating the modeling of large-scale conformational changes in mesoscopic systems, is presented. The method uses a set of “global (or collective) coordinates” that capture overall behavior, in conjunction with the set of atomic coordinates. Application of the space warping method to energy minimization is discussed. Several simulations where the method is used to determine the energy minimizing structures of simple central force systems are analyzed. Comparing the results and behavior of the space warping method to simulations involving atomic coordinates only, it is found that the space warping method scales better with system size and also finds lower minima when the potential energy surface has multiple minima. It is shown that the transformation of [Ala16]+ in vacuo from linear to globular is captured efficiently using the space warping method. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 23: 484–491, 2002; DOI 10.1002/jcc.10040