Designs for an asymmetric gradient set and a compact superconducting magnet for neural magnetic resonance imaging

Imaging of the head and neck is the most commonly performed clinical magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) examination [R. G. Evans and J. R. G. Evans, AJR 157, 603 (1991)]. This is usually undertaken in a generalist MRI instrument containing superconducting magnet system capable of imaging all organs. These generalist instruments are large, typically having a bore of 0.9–1.0 m and a length of 1.7–2.5 m and therefore are expensive to site, somewhat claustrophobic to the patient, and offer little access by attending physicians. In this article, we present the design of a compact, superconductingMRImagnet for head and neck imaging that is less than 0.8 m in length and discuss in detail the design of an asymmetric gradient coil set, tailored to the magnet profile. In particular, the introduction of a radio-frequency FM modulation scheme in concert with a gradient sequence allows the epoch of the linear region of the gradient set to be much closer to the end of the gradient structure than was previously possible. Images from a prototype gradient set demonstrate the effectiveness of the designs.