Enhanced immunodetection of blotted house dust mite protein allergens on nitrocellulose following blocking with tween 20

The effect of blocking nitrocellulose membranes with the nonionic detergent Tween 20 on the detection, by protein blotting, of IgE‐binding to house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergens has been investigated. Tween blocking led to enhanced immunodetection of allergens despite removal of proteins from the membrane when compared to protein blocking agents which did not displace transferred components. The enhancement varied with the different mite components and, for one in particular, antigen Der p II, an increase of more than 100‐fold in IgE antibody binding occurred despite a concurrent loss of more than 90% of Der p II from the membrane. Both the enhancement of binding and loss of components from the membrane were dependent upon the time course of blocking and the concentration of Tween used.

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