1. Anti-mallein sera produced in thirteen species of mammals (including man) and one species of bird have been examined by the haemolytic complement fixation test using guinea-pig complement, and by the conglutinating complement absorption test using pig, horse and cat complements. Two methods of fixation have been used and compared, namely, fixation for half an hour at room temperature and fixation overnight at 4° C.2. The complement of the horse proved to be the most sensitive in nearly every case in demonstrating the specific antibodies in the different sera; in the few instances where it was not markedly the most sensitive it was for practical purposes the equal of any other complement used, independent of the method of fixation. This is clearly indicated in the text figures.3. The effects of overnight fixation on the titres obtained with the different complements are discussed.4. The sera of six fowls inoculated with mallein failed to show fixation of any of the four complements in the presence of the homologous antigen. The presence of immune bodies was demonstrated however by the Indirect Complement Fixation technique of Rice (1948b).