• 22 August 1996
I review the bounds on the $R$-parity-violating supersymmetric Yukawa couplings from the considerations of proton stability, $n$--$\bar{n}$ oscillation, $\nu_e$-Majorana mass, neutrino-less double $\beta$ decay, charged-current universality, $e$--$\mu$--$\tau$ universality, $\nu_\mu$--$e$ scattering, atomic parity violation, $\nu_\mu$ deep-inelastic scattering, $K^{+}$-decays, $\tau$-decays, $D$-decays and from the precision LEP electroweak observables. I also mention about the sparticle bounds at colliders when the assumption of $R$-parity-conservation is relaxed. Finally, I mention how $R$-parity-violating models have been invoked in an attempt to explain the reported excess in ALEPH 4-jet events.

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