Tests to Measure Syneresis and Firmness of Cottage Cheese Coagulum, and Their Application in the Curd-Making Process

A new test for whey released by cottage cheese coagulum is described. Conditions of coagulation are defined, and specifications of simple equipment and technique for its use are given. Measurements of whey released by cottage cheese coagulum decreased as the pH at cutting the coagulum decreased; under the same conditions, curd strength increased. Increasing the total solids content of the skimmilk used for making the curd decreased amount of whey released and increased curd strength. Increasing amounts of rennet increased both the volume of whey released and the curd strength. Measurements of curd strength and whey drainage showed no apparent relationship to curd-making properties of different lots of milk used experimentally. These tests, used under the conditions obtaining in these experiments, cannot be used to predict the whey- expelling properties of cottage cheese curd made from nonfat dry milk.