Factors Involved in Alachlor Injury to the Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

Results from greenhouse and growth chamber studies indicated that alachlor [2-chloro-2′,6-diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl) acetanilide] injury to ‘Superior’ potatoes (Solanum tuberosumL.) was related to time of herbicide application and temperature. Injury to the ‘Superior’ cultivar was observed when alachlor was applied just before potato emergence. Necrosis of shoots near the soil surface, shoot dieback, stem swelling, leaf crinkle, and plant stunting were characteristic symptoms of alachlor injury. Cool temperatures appeared to intensify the injury. ‘Superior’ potatoes outgrew injury within 41 days after treatment. Herbicide placement studies in the growth chamber suggested that alachlor or its metabolites were absorbed by the shoots of emerging ‘Superior’ potatoes. Under growth chamber conditions the ‘Katahdin’ cultivar was injured by preemergence applications of alachlor when the herbicide was applied just before plant emergence. Injury symptoms were similar to those observed on the ‘Superior’ cultivar. ‘Pungo’ and ‘Norchip’ potatoes were tolerant to preemergence applications of the herbicide regardless of time of application.