Plant growth regulators paclobutrazol and flurprimidol were evaluated for suppression of Poa annua spp. reptans, a perennial biotype of annual bluegrass, in a creeping bentgrass green. Paclobutrazol at 0.6 kg ai/ha applied on Mar. 15, followed by 0.3 kg/ha on Apr. 29, 0.6 kg/ha on Oct. 1, and 0.3 kg/ha on Nov. 12 for each of 2 yr suppressed P. annua spp. reptans 28% approximately 4 mo after the final treatment. When paclobutrazol was applied at 0.3 kg/ha in each of four applications during the same period, suppression was similar to that with the higher rate 1 and 2 mo after final treatment but declined to 7% by 4 mo. Suppression of P. annua spp. reptans from flurprimidol applied four times during each of 2 yr was 22 to 27% 1 mo after final treatment but no suppression was noted 2 mo after the final treatment. Maximum creeping bentgrass injury was less than 20% when either paclobutrazol or flurprimidol was applied in the spring. However, creeping bentgrass injury was approximately 30% in the fall when either chemical was applied in the spring and repeated in October at 0.6 kg/ha.

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