Publication of European Union Research on Infectious Diseases (1991?2001): A Bibliometric Evaluation

The study presented here analyzed the contents of 36 international infectious diseases journals from 1991 to 2001 to determine the number of reports prepared by authors in the European Union and to compare the per country scientific productivity. Articles included in the study were identified using the PubMed website. The number of publications in infectious disease journals produced by authors in the European Union experienced an exponential growth from 461 (19.2% of world production) in 1991 to 2,401 (35.9%) in 2001. The mean impact factor increased from 2.259 in 1991 to 3.001 in 2001. The leading countries in the total number of publications were the UK, France, and Germany. After taking population figures into account, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland headed the list, and after correcting for gross domestic product, the greatest producers were Sweden, Finland, and the UK. Overall, the scientific production and repercussion index of European Union research on infectious diseases experienced a notable rise during the last decade of the 20th century.