ET gets HIT — thrombocytotic heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) in a patient with essential thrombocythemia (ET)

Immune-mediated heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a relatively common complication in patients receiving heparin, and represents a strong risk factor for thromboembolic disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. The condition is commonly defined as a platelet count fall of greater than 30–50% to values below 150 × 109/l. Despite this, several cases with platelet count nadirs in the normal range have been reported. This report describes a patient with status post-carotid thrombendarterectomy presenting with neurological symptoms and thrombocytosis (1235 × 109/l), which in due course was diagnosed to be caused by essential thrombocythemia (ET). Heparin therapy was established and symptoms resolved markedly. After 5 days of standard heparin therapy, serologically confirmed HIT with new neurological symptoms occurred. The platelet count nadir attributed to HIT was far above normal (633 × 109/l), which nevertheless represented a substantial relative platelet count fall (49%). This is the first reported case of serologically confirmed HIT in a patient with ET. Furthermore, it represents the first published case of HIT being present in thrombocytosis. Clinicians should be aware that atypical HIT can even be present in thrombocytosis and, because of nomenclature, HIT with normal and elevated platelet count nadirs is likely to be largely underdiagnosed.