Concurrent Demonstration of Desoxyribose Nucleic Acid and 1,2-Glycols

Sections from rat tissue were fixed in 10% formalin in 90% alcohol and placed in a 1.0% suspension of sodium bismuthate (NaBiO3) in 40% phosphoric acid for 40 minutes at room temperature. Bismuth phosphate crystals were removed with 2N HCl. The sections were next placed in the Schiff reagent for 20 minutes. By this method the DNA was hydrolyzed by the phosphoric acid and the 1,2-glycols were oxidized by the NaBiO3. In both cases aldehyde groups were released and subsequently stained by the Schiff reagent. A photomicrograph is included demonstrating the nuclei, goblet cells, striated border and basement membrane stained by this combined method.