The distribution of the teratogenic steroid cortisone was studied in pregnant A/J mice by whole‐body autoradiography to ascertain whether sites of localization in the pregnant females or embryos might suggest a mechanism of teratogenic action. A high concentration of radioactivity was found in maternal kidney, liver, bile, and intestinal contents and uterine cavity fluid. Maternal ovary and adrenal had much less activity but nevertheless a slightly higher activity than blood. There was no other prominent accumulation in either mothers or off spring. The concentration in the embryonic palatal buds was no higher than that in any other embryonic area, and the concentrations in embryonic tissues were less than those in maternal tissues. The remarkable accumulation in the uterine luminal fluid appeared to result from active secretion by the yolk sac. Addition of carrier cortisone or pretreatment of the pregnant mice with ouabain or mercuhydrin did not significantly alter the pattern and intensity of distribution. Pretreatment with cobaltous chloride decreased the concentration of radioactivity in the fetuses.