Seismotectonic maps of the European area

Seismicity maps based on A value, b value, and return period for earthquakes with magnitude 6 and above have been prepared for the European area using the Kaila and Narain (1971) method. For the preparation of these maps, a modified relation A = 6.36b − 1.00 has been used instead of the earlier relation where A and b are constants in the cumulative regression curve represented by log N = AbM. The A-value seismicity map also shows regional tectonics superimposed on it, thus yielding the seismotectonic map of Europe. These seismicity maps reveal that the European area consists of seven main high seismic activity zones named as the Balkan high, the Aegean high, the Apennine-sicilian high, the Alps high, the Carpathian high, the Saharan-Pyrenees high and the Iceland-Arctic high which are described in detail with their relationship to regional tectonics. The b values determined by the new method and shown on the b-value seismicity map are compared with those determined by other workers using earthquake regression curves for various regions of Europe and they show a very good agreement with each other.

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