The utility of McGill pain questionnaire subscales for discriminating psychologica disorder in chronic pain patients

The practice of separately scoring the sensory, affective and evaluative suhscules of the McGill Pain Questionnaire has not bccn unequivocally supported hy rcsearch, While there is moderate support for the three-factor Structure of this scale, recent studies have revealed strong intercorrelations among these factors and have not supported thcir differential predictive ahility. Present factor analytic results provide support for solutions involving a global factor in conjunction with either two or three subscale factors. The differential relationships of the sensory and affective factors to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Zung Dcpression Inventory demonstrate support for the validity of separately scoring the two factors in chronic pain patients. Preliminary guidelines are provided for the clinical use of the MPQ to discriminate psychological disorder in chronic pain patients.