The articular-epiphyseal (A-E) cartilage complex of the distal humeral and femoral epiphyseal condyles of eight intact pigs (4 male & 4 female) of the same age were radiologically examined every 3 weeks, beginning at 42 days up to 147 days of age; to determine the age of onset, the course and trend of development of osteochondrosis (OCD). The earliest Dyschondroplasia (Osteochondrotic) lesions were demonstrated radiologically in the A-E complexes of the humeral condyles of 42-day-old pigs and in the femoral condyles at 63 days of age. Thus the radiographic examination of live animals to demonstrate subchondral radiolucency typical for OCD lesions in the condylar A-E complexes of pigs is not of limited value until the animals were > 100 days old as indicated in earlier reports. Also the course of further development of OCD lesions associated with A-E complexes was followed. The radiolucency was seen to develop to a certain extent, and then either to regress, and stabilize or even to progress as the animal grows. Some lesions regressed completely. Also some of the regressed lesions may become active again and become progressive. However, the course of development of femoral condyle A-E complexes OCD lesions was seen to be progressive continuously, or progressive then stable and then progressive again. The regressive course and trend of osteochondrotic lesions was not observed in the femoral condyle A-E complexes up to day 147 of age. Therefore, the course and trend of development of the A-E complexes OCD is not constantly the same.