Association between Elemental Content and Fruit Ripening in rin and Normal Tomatoes

Analysis of Ca and other inorganic ions in the pericarp of rin, a nonripening mutant, and normal tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) fruits revealed significant differences in their accumulations at advanced stages of fruit development. During early stages of fruit development, soluble Ca was higher in Rutgers and there were no detectable changes in the accumulation patterns of the other inorganic ions. In the mutant rin, bound Ca continued to increase with age and it was twice as high as compared to earlier stages. In the normal tomato, bound Ca decreased about 3-fold at later stages of development. Mg and Mn also showed some changes similar to Ca. K continued to increase with age and the mutant rin had lower levels than Rutgers throughout development. Other ions such as P, Zn, Cu, and Co were similar in the mutant and normal fruits. These results are interpreted as indicating that high levels of bound divalent cations in the mutant rin may be associated with an altered membrane and cell wall and play a role in fruit ripening.