Evaluation of Glufosinate on Rice (Oryza sativa) Transformed with the BAR Gene and Red Rice (Oryza sativa)

Glufosinate at 1.1 and 2.2 kg/ha injured ‘Koshihikari’ rice lines that were transformed with the BAR gene from 0 to 53%. However, transgenic ‘Gulfmont’ rice was not injured. Rice yields of transgenic ‘Gulfmont’ lines and six of nine ‘Koshihikari’ lines were not affected by 2.2 kg/ha glufosinate. In field studies, flooding reduced the efficacy of glufosinate in controlling red rice, and greenhouse tests determined that glufosinate efficacy was reduced when red rice was submerged between 25 and 50% of its height. Plant heights and dry weights of red rice increased as flood water depth increased at all rates of glufosinate.