Variations in some of the body fluid hormone levels currently used for endocrine monitoring during the third trimester of pregnancy

The variability of 4 hormonal parameters used for the endocrine monitoring of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (E3 [estriol], E4 [estetrol], HPL [human placental lactogen], SP1 [pregnancy specific-.beta.1-glycoprotein]). No circadian rhythm of E3, E4, HPL and SP1 was seen. The within-a-day and the day-to-day variations are much greater for E4 than for E3 and for HPL than for SP1. The SD were great for the steroids, especially for E4 and much less for the protein hormones, especially SP1. It is necessary to have serial assays of the steroids to have any confidence in the levels, while good monitoring could be guaranteed with a smaller number of assays for HPL and SP1.