Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Nanotubes

▪ Abstract We review the recent progress in our understanding of the mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes, emphasizing the theoretical aspects. Nanotubes are the strongest materials known, but the ultimate limits of their strength have yet to be reached experimentally. Modeling of nanotube-reinforced composites indicates that the addition of small numbers of nanotubes may lead to a dramatic increase in the modulus, with only minimal crosslinking. Deformations in nanotube structures lead to novel structural transformations, some of which have clear electrical signatures that can be utilized in nanoscale sensors and devices. Chemical reactivity of nanotube walls is facilitated by strain, which can be used in processing and functionalization. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy have provided a wealth of information about the structure and electronic properties of nanotubes, especially when coupled with appropriate theoretical models. Nanotubes are exceptional ballistic conducto...