The case for a polyphyletic origin of mitochondria: Morphological and molecular comparisons

The comparative morphology and pigmentation of protists suggest that those with tubular mitochondrial cristae belong to a different lineage than those with lamellar cristae and that the evolutionary divergence might have been very early. We propose that the difference in cristal morphology is the result of separate origins of the mitochondria from endosymbionts related to the Rhodospirillaceae (purple nonsulfur bacteria) but differing in the morphology of their internal membranes. Comparisons of the cytochromes c of protists and the Rhodospirillaceae and of 16s rRNA T1 oligonucleotide catalogs in the Rhodospirillaceae do not contradict, and in fact provide support for, the idea. More extensive evidence may be lacking simply because cytochromes c have been studied in very few protists with tubular mitochondrial cristae.