Validation of a first‐generation epstein‐barr virus vaccine preparation suitable for human use

The efficacy of a new vaccine preparation against Epstein-Barr (EB) virus was investigated in cotton-top tamarins. The vaccine consists of fast protein liquid chromatography-purified EB virus membrane antigen glycoprotein of 340 Kd (MA gp340) mixed with a synthetic muramyl dipeptide adjuvant emulsified in squalane containing a pluronic polymer; it is suitable for both scaled-up batch production and eventual administration to man. Vaccinated tamarins rapidly developed ELISA detectable high titre antibodies to MA gp340, and their sera became strongly EB virus-neutralising. After challenge with a massive 100% carcinogenic dose of EB virus, the vaccinated tamarins had a strikingly low level of circulating EB virus-carrying mononuclear cells, in contrast to a control animal, and remained entirely free of tumours. This first-generation vaccine has thus been validated in experimental animals and the way opened for a phase I human trial.