The induction and repair of DNA double strand breaks (dsb) in early stationary Ehrlich ascites tumour cells by X-rays was determined using an improved sedimentation technique in neutral sucrose gradients. The disappearance of dsb was followed during post-irradiation incubation of the cells and was interpreted as dsb repair. Kinetics were approximated by exponential functions with time constants of t37 = 3·0 ± 0·7 hours (‘conditioned’ medium) and t37 = 2·0 ± 0·5 hours (growth medium). Maximal repair was reached after 24 hours and the relationship of the remaining breaks with dose was interpreted on the basis of a recombination repair model. Using these dsb data and on the assumption of one dsb being a lethal event, cell survival curves were calculated for different repair times and compared with experimental curves. It was shown that cell survival curves can be interpreted on the basis of one unrepaired dsb being a lethal event, when dsb repair continues for about 11 hours after plating the cells on nutrient agar.

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