Escherichia coli alpha-haemolysin synthesis and export genes are flanked by a direct repetition of IS91-like elements

A revised physical map of the α-haemolysin plasmid pHly152 has been constructed. The known position of the hly genes in the restriction map of pHly152 allowed us to locate in it a direct repeat of IS elements flanking the hly genes of pHly152. These elements are IS92L, which is a derivative of the previously characterised element IS91 (1.85 kb) by insertion of a sequence of 1.2 kb, and IS92R, an element related to IS91 by a deletion of 0.7 kb and substitution of a 0.2 kb sequence of IS91 by a 1.2 kb heterologous sequence. IS92L is, in turn, flanked by an inverted repetition of sequences of 1.4 kb. These and previously published data strongly suggest that the hly genes spread at some time in evolution by means of the recombinational activity of IS91-like elements.