Magnetic Interactions in CeBr3

Adiabatic susceptibility measurements have been performed on CeBr3 in the helium range between 3.4 and 22.0 MHz. From the measurements we deduce the specific heat at constant magnetization CM / R≅ (0.0274±0.0011) / T2+(0.009±0.005) / T3 and an antiferromagnetic Curie‐Weiss constant θ (sphere) = −0.050±0.045°K. These values are combined with the results of EPR spectra to give estimates of the diagonal terms of the nearest‐ and next‐nearest‐neighbors interaction tensors for Ce3+ ions in CeBr3 which are compared with those found for CeCl3. The interaction tensors for the effective spins are found to contain terms which arise from high‐degree superexchange of the form J+5(1) J5(2) acting between the real spins. An analysis of the interactions indicates that CeBr3 should correspond well to a weakly perturbed linear chain system with either antiferromagnetic Ising or ferromagnetic XY interactions within the chain.