Although bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) has been used as a research tool for over a decade, the technique of lavage has varied markedly between laboratories. For example, lavage instillate volumes from 50 to 300 ml have been used, and yet the influence of the variable of total lavage volume on subsequent protein recovery is uncertain. Sequential BAL (50 ml/aliquot; total volume, 300 ml) of the right middle lobe was performed in 14 normal [human] volunteers and recovered aliquots were separately processed and analyzed for the absolute and relative concentrations of several protein substances. These proteins include free secretory component and secretory IgA, which emanate from airway secretions, and IgG, which is thought to transude from more distal alveolar sites. Analysis of these data showed a marked decrease in the absolute concentration of all proteins measured in serial aliquots. Analysis of protein ratios in sequential aliquots revealed no significant change from the 1st to the 5th recovered aliquot. Influence of the size of the 1st recovered aliquot on absolute and relative concentrations of proteins was analyzed. There seemed to be a trend indicating preferential recovery of airway proteins in smaller aliquots. This was significant for the ratio of free secretory component to albumin (P < 0.05). Lung proteins are efficiently and homogenously sampled with 100 ml of lavage instillate. Larger volumes will add more protein but not alter protein ratios. Lavage with smaller volumes may preferentially sample airway proteins.