Populations of2pand3pterms in hydrogen excited byH+,H2+, andH3+ions passing through thin carbon foils

Relative beam-foil populations of the 2p term in hydrogen have been measured as a function of the proton energy (0.015E1.10 MeV). For E0.1 MeV, these populations are found to be proportional to the equilibrium neutral fractions of protons emerging from a carbon foil. At lower energies (E<0.1 MeV), the behavior of the excitation function of the 2p term is compatible with a decrease of the ratio of the 2p population to the ground-state population with respect to that ratio at higher energies. The first precise measurements of the dependence on the projectile energy (0.1<E<1.8 MeV) of the population of the 2p term excited by the passage of H2+ and H3+ ions through carbon foils of various thicknesses (2.5-22 μg/cm2) are reported. Only the long-dwell-time region (t1.5 fs) is considered in this work. The variation of R=ImolecIatom (Imolec and Iatom are the Lyα intensities per incident proton observed with molecular and atomic projectiles of the same velocity, respectively) with the projectile energy per nucleon (EM) and the thickness (T) of the foil is well described by the following relation: R=R[1Cexp(kEM)], where R, C, and k are parameters depending only on T, and on the number of protons in the cluster. A qualitative explanation of the R(EM,T) behavior is proposed. Values of R have also been measured for Lyβ radiation and are found to be significantly smaller than those obtained for Lyα radiation, for foils of thickness T6 μg/cm2.