What Fecundity Patterns Indicate About Aging and Longevity: Insights From Drosophila Studies

The age pattern of fecundity is represented as a result of a superposition of two processes: the genetic fecundity program encoded in the organism's reproductive machinery and senescence of the reproductive system. Accumulation of oxidative damage produces the energy decline, which could potentially be used in reproduction. As a result, the age-declining process arises in the reproductive machinery at a critical age. We show that this mechanism is common for different species. It establishes a connection between the decline of organism vitality and reproductive senescence. We suggest a parametric description of a fecundity pattern that allows for prediction of reproductive longevity. We apply the approach to Drosophila studies to analyze the relation between fecundity and survival. We show that fecundity patterns may predict a mean life span in Drosophila under specified environmental conditions.