Growth, Body Weight, Survival, and Tumor Trends in (C57BL/6 X C3H/HeN) F1 (B6C3F1) Mice during a Nine-Year Period

Time trends for growth, body weight, survival and tumor prevalences in 121 diet control groups with a total of 4,636 male B6C3F1 mice and 123 diet control groups with a total of 4,758 female mice of NCI-NTP 2-yr chemical carcinogenicity studies started during a 9-yr period (1973 to 1981) in 11 laboratories were evaluated. Male and female mice did not show substantial changes in growth patterns. Both sexes had highly significant time trends with decreasing body weights in the more recent studies. This apparent trend was due to high body weights during the first 3 yr and highly significant interlaboratory variability. Time trends for survival of both sexes were not significant. Prevalences of liver tumors, lung tumors, and lymphoma in males and lung tumors in females did not show significant time trends. There were significant positive time trends for prevalences of liver tumors and lymphoma in female mice, but the trends were not significant when adjusted for interlaboratory variability. The positive time trend for anterior pituitary tumors of females was highly significant and may be due in part to an increase in the amount of pituitary tissue examined in the more recent studies. Histological reevaluation of liver and anterior pituitary tissue in 208–249 female mice at each of 4 different times periods did not substantially change the prevalences or the time trends. The major factor influencing time trends in mice appeared to be interlaboratory variability.