Deep-inelastic scattering beyond the leading order in asymptotically free gauge theories

We calculate the full order-g2 corrections to the coefficient functions which determine the Q2 dependence of the moments of deep-inelastic structure functions. The calculation is performed in the minimal-subtraction scheme of 't Hooft. The results are combined with the recent two-loop calculations of anomalous dimensions by Floratos, Ross, and Sachrajda to give the full g¯2 corrections to the leading order of asymptotic freedom. We present results for Cn(1,g¯2) relevant for electroproduction and neutrino reactions for both nonsinglet and singlet combinations of the structure functions. Phenomenological consequences of the full g¯2 corrections to the nonsinglet structure function are discussed. The corrections to the Gross-Llewellyn Smith and Bjorken sum rules are estimated to be of the order of 15%.