I=2 pi-pi Scattering from Fully-Dynamical Mixed-Action Lattice QCD

  • 10 June 2005
We compute the I=2 pi-pi scattering length at pion masses of m_pi= 294, 348 and 484 MeV in fully-dynamical lattice QCD using Luscher's finite-volume method. The calculation is performed with domain-wall valence-quark propagators on asqtad-improved MILC configurations with staggered sea quarks. Chiral perturbation theory is used to perform the extrapolation of the scattering length from lattice quark masses down to the physical value, and we find m_pi a_2 = -0.0426 +- 0.0006 +- 0.0003 +- 0.0018, in good agreement with experiment. The I=2 pi-pi scattering phase shift is calculated to be delta ~ -43 +- 10 +- 5 degrees at |p| ~ 544 MeV for m_pi ~ 484 MeV.

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