Muon Spin Relaxation and Susceptibility Studies of Pure and Doped Spin 1/2 Kagomé-like system (Cu$_x$Zn$_{1-x}$)$_{3}$V$_{2}$O$_7$(OH)$_{2}$ 2H$_2$O

Muon spin relaxation ($\mu$SR) and magnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed on the pure and diluted spin 1/2 kagom\'{e} system (Cu$_x$Zn$_{1-x}$)$_{3}$V$_{2}$O$_7$(OH)$_{2}$ 2H$_2$O. In the pure $x=1$ system we found a slowing down of Cu spin fluctuations with decreasing temperature towards $T \sim 1$ K, followed by slow and nearly temperature-independent spin fluctuations persisting down to $T$ = 50 mK, indicative of quantum fluctuations. No indication of static spin freezing was detected in either of the pure ($x$=1.0) or diluted samples. The observed magnitude of fluctuating fields indicates that the slow spin fluctuations represent an intrinsic property of kagom\'e network rather than impurity spins.

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