The Xthreads library: Design, implementation, and applications

[[abstract]]The purpose of the Xthreads library is to provide a cheap concurrent programming environment. The design of the Xthreads library is patterned after Xinu, a small and elegant operating system in which all processes share a single address space and hence enjoy reduced overheads in process creation, interprocess communication, and so on. Our approach is to map the Xinu process structure into the Xthreads thread structure in a Unix-like process. Easy extensions and modifications to the Xthreads library are a major objective, accomplished through modularity and layering. We have ported Xthreads to the nCUBE2, iPSC860 and RS6000 computers. This paper describes the library, our experiences with its design and implementation, the early performance measurements, and its applicability to simulation modeling.[[fileno]]2030216030017[[department]]資訊工程學

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