Enzymic Resolution of (±)-axial-AlcoholsviaAsymmetric Hydrolysis of Corresponding Chloroacetates by Microorganisms

Asymmetric hydrolysis of chloroacetates of (±)-axial-alcohols (±)-neomenthol (2), (1RS, 4aRS, 8aSR)-decahydro-l-naphthol (6) by Trichoderma koningi gave (–)-(1S, 3R, 4R) neomenthol (2) (54% optical purity, o.p.) and (–)-(1R, 4aR, 8aS)-decahydro-1-naphthol (6) (66% o.p.) with their enantiomeric chloroacetates. However, the chloroacetate of (2RS, 4aRS, 8aSi?)-decahydro-2-naphthol (10) was hydrolyzed by T. koningi to give the (—)-alcohol (10) (12% o.p.) with lowenantioselectivity.