Detecting a light gravitino at a linear collider to probe the SUSY-breaking scale

If supersymmetry is dynamically broken at a low scale (MSUSY), within a few orders of magnitude of the weak scale, then the lightest supersymmetric partner is the gravitino and the next-to-lightest supersymmetric partner is a neutralino χ10 with mass mχ10, which can decay into a photon (γ) plus a gravitino (G̃). We study the detection of ee+χ10χ10γG̃γG̃ at the proposed Linear Collider, and find the range of the parameters MSUSY and mχ10 that can be accessible with a right-hand polarized electron beam at S=500 GeV, with 50 fb1 integrated luminosity. We also discuss briefly the accessible range for current electron and hadron colliders.
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