ATP sulfurylase is a key enzyme in the energy-generating sulfur oxidation pathways of many chemoautotrophic bacteria. The utilization of reduced sulfur compounds to fuel CO2 fixation by the still-uncultured bacterial endosymbionts provides the basis of nutrition in invertebrates, such as the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila, found at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The symbiont-containing trophosome tissue contains high levels of ATP sulfurylase activity, facilitating the recent purification of the enzyme. The gene encoding the ATP sulfurylase from the Riftia symbiont (sopT) has now been cloned and sequenced by using the partial amino acid sequence of the purified protein. Characterization of the sopT gene has unequivocally shown its bacterial origin. This is the first ATP sulfurylase gene to be cloned and sequenced from a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium. The deduced amino acid sequence was compared to those of ATP sulfurylases reported from organisms which assimilate sulfate, resulting in the discovery that there is substantial homology with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MET3 gene product but none with the products of the cysDN genes from Escherichia coli nor with the nodP and nodQ genes from Rhizobium meliloti. This and emerging evidence from other sources suggests that E. coli may be atypical, even among prokaryotic sulfate assimilators, in the enzyme it employs for adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate formation. The sopT gene probe also was shown to specifically identify chemoautotrophic bacteria which utilize ATP sulfurylase to oxidize sulfur compounds.