Studies in Humans on the Distribution of Mercury in the Blood and the Excretion in Urine after Exposure to Different Mercury Compounds

Using neutron activation analysis the mercury concentration in blood of non-exposed control persons has been shown to be 6–12 ng/g. In a group of persons exposed to methyl mercury compounds the mercury content in whole blood was 70–180 ng/g, in plasma 3–10 ng/g. A group of persons exposed to metal mercury vapors had a mercury concentration in whole blood of 12–90 ng/g, in plasma 5–74 ng/g. The mercury concentration in urine was hardly increased in the alkyl mercury group but there was a fair increase in the metal mercury group. It is evident that the distribution of mercury in blood is quite different after exposure to different mercurials and so is the rate of excretion in urine. The distribution-excretion pattern may be used for diagnostic purposes. The excretion of mercury cannot be used to evaluate the exposure to alkyl mercury compounds.