The broader impact of walking to school among adolescents: seven day accelerometry based study

Introduction How children travel to and from school may significantly influence their overall physical activity levels.1 2 We measured moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among adolescents and explored their means of travel to and from school. References ↵ Tudor-Locke C, Ainsworth BE, Popkin BM . Active commuting to school. An overlooked source of children's physical activity? Sports Med 2001; 31: 30913. ↵ Cooper AR, Page AS, Foster LJ, Qahwaji D . Commuting to school: are children who walk more physically active? Am J Prev Med 2003; 25: 2736. ↵ MTI Health Services . Actigraph users manual. Model 7164. Fort Walton, Florida: MTI, 2005. ↵ Freedson PS, Melanson E, Sirard J . Calibration of the Computer Science And Applications, Inc. accelerometer. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30: 77781. ↵ Metcalf B, Voss L, Jeffery A, Perkins J, Wilkin T . Physical activity cost of the school run: impact on schoolchildren of being driven to school (EarlyBird 22). BMJ 2004; 329: 8323.

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