“Practical Suggestions On Counseling How I Do It”

A laryngectomee's home environment may be a critical motivating factor for successful rehabilitation. Results from questionnaires to 45 wives of laryngectomees are discussed. The wives evaluated the adequacy of their preparation for the surgery and the type and severity of ensuing problems. Judgments as to the type and adequacy of counseling and the wives' factual understanding of the laryngectomy procedure and its consequences are reported.Results of the survey underscored the need for more counseling before and after laryngectomy. Wives of older laryngectomees were more optimistic post‐operatively since their primary preoperative fear had been death. Younger wives' spirits were often lowest after surgery when the impact on daily living was more fully realized. The need for a team approach to total medical, speech, and vocational rehabilitation is indicated.

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