Levels inSe72populated byBr72

The level structure of Se72 was investigated via the decay of Br72 produced in the Ni58 (O16,pn) reaction. 32 transitions were assigned to Se72 on the basis of half-life, energy, and/ or relative γ-ray yields for different beam energies with 18 transitions confirmed by coincidence data. 32 transitions are placed into the decay scheme which consists of the following levels: 862.0, 2+; 936.8, 0+; 1316.7, 2+; 1636.8, 4+; 1876.0; 1998.4, 1, 2+; 2150.3 (2+); 2371.6 (2+); 2433.2; 2586.2; 2965.6; 3124.1; 3225.9; and 3239.5 keV. The half-life of Br72 was measured to be 1.31 ± 0.04 min.