Toluene and weasel (2-propylthietane) odors suppress feeding in the rat

The odors of toluene and 2-propylthietane have been shown to elicit fast wave bursts of 15-30 Hz in the olfactory bulb and dentate gyrus of rats. The odors of cadaverine, butyric acid, and caproic acid were found to be ineffective by comparison. The present study investigated feeding in rats offered a choice between food pellets treated with one of the above mentioned odors or untreated pellets. Unscented pellets were also presented in a control condition. The results indicate that 2-propylthietane or toluene scented food is avoided; cadaverine scented food is preferred; but caproic acid and butyric acid scents have no effect. Toluene and 2-propylthietane may activate central pathways involved in predator detection/avoidance, while cadaverine may activate pathways involved in approach and feeding behavior.