Identification of sequences responsible for transcriptional activation of the allantoate permease gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

DAL5 is a constitutively expressed allantoin system gene whose product is required for allantoate transport. Its simple pattern of expression prompted us to use this gene for identifying the element(s) that mediates transcriptional activation of allantoin system genes. Deletion analysis of the DAL5 5'-flanking sequences resulted in identification of two small regions required for DAL5 expression. Analysis of these two regions with synthetic oligonucleotides localized the sequences supporting transcriptional activation to two DNA fragments of 10 to 12 base pairs, each containing one copy of the pentanucleotide 5'-GATAA-3'. The 5'-flanking region of DAL5 contained eight copies of this sequence. Synthetic constructions containing single copies of these fragments were unable to support transcriptional activation, while those containing two or more copies supported high-level activation. The 5'-GATAA-3' sequence was also found beneath the footprint of a DNA-binding protein. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that DNA fragments containing the sequence 5'-GATAA-3' play an important role in DAL5 gene expression, probably representing a portion of the binding site for a transcriptional activation factor.