A method to assess squid fisheries in the north-west Atlantic

We develop an extension of the Leslie-DeLury model for estimating the abundance and exploitation rate of an annual squid stock described in Rosenberg et al. (1990 Fisheries Research, 8: 335–350). The extended model utilized research vessel survey or fishery catch per effort data to estimate fishing mortality as well as in-season fluctuations in the available stock size due to migration. Model parameters are estimated using multiple regression. The model is applied to the inshore Loligo pealei fishery off Cape Cod in the north-west Atlantic for the years 1983–1990. The results show the high degree of variability in the availability of squid to this fishery between years. There are marked differences in the fishing mortality and migration patterns in these 8 years which emphasizes the need for this type of modelling approach.

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