Energy Dependence of the Form Factor inKe3+Decay

In a spark chamber and counter experiment at the Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator we have investigated the decay K+e++π0+ν. A Dalitz plot of 1393 Ke3+ events agrees well with vector coupling. The π0 energy spectrum was investigated to determine the energy dependence of the strong-interaction form factor f+ which is a function of q2=MK2+Mπ22MKEπ for K+ decays at rest. For a linear expansion f+(q2)=f+(0)(1+λq2Mπ2), we obtain λ=0.016±0.016, which agrees well with previous measurements of λ for Ke3+. Assuming the interaction is dominated by a J=1, I=12 intermediate state of mass M, such as the K* resonance at 890 MeV, we obtain M=(1180387+) MeV. This result is consistent with K* dominance but also with no energy dependence for f+. The value of λ for Ke3+ obtained in this experiment agrees with the weighted mean value λ0=0.010±0.018 obtained from four Ke30 experiments and thus offers no evidence for violation of the leptonic |ΔI|=12 rule.